✅ Worldbuilding Article Checklist

A handy checklist of things to remember when writing a new worldbuilding article in your setting.

✅ Worldbuilding Article Checklist

Have you ever been reminded of an excellent writing tip and you're like "Damn, I keep forgetting to do that."? Yeah, same - so over the years I've made myself a list to just have a quick glance over when I'm worldbuilding to see if I can add a little something ✨extra✨ to my world and make it more connected!

I'm sharing them here with you in case you find it helpful, but don't feel like you need to do every-single-thing, every-single-time - just use it as a reminder! 🥰

I write my worldbuilding offline in Obsidian and present it online with World Anvil, so feel free to ignore any tips that aren't relevant to you 😄

I've broken the list down into sections because I like to check for different things at each stage of my creative process. Feel free to share this around!

Table of Contents


  • Is there a prompt on WorldAnvil or in my #400Prompts that will suit this article?
  • What are 3 other articles in my world that can be connected to this?
  • Are there any articles with little to no connections that this can be linked to?


  • What's the intended emotion for this article?
  • Does it reflect the recurring themes, genre, and mood of my world?
  • What senses does it cover? (Sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, etc)
  • Does it answer the prompt? If not, can I twist the prompt to suit my needs?
  • Have I made use of the 6 questions method? (Who, what, when, where, why, how?)


  • Does it have a cover image that conveys what the article is about?
  • Does it contain at least one image to help illustrate the concept?
  • If there's a location mentioned, is there a map so you can see where it is?
  • If there's an event mentioned, is there a timeline (or chronicle) you can explore?
  • Does the article icon add context to the topic? (This is more World Anvil specific.)
  • If they're not of solely my own creation, do I have the rights or licence to use the images in this article, and have I added proper credits to them?


  • Is the article title intriguing? Is it pronounceable?
  • Does the subheading and/or excerpt give context and a hook to what it's about?
  • Are the headings interesting and informative? Do they add to the theme of this setting?
  • Could someone skim read this and get a good understanding of what's going on?
  • Are there any spelling/grammar errors?
  • Have I used too much passive voice?
  • What's the incentive to interact / comment?
  • Where do I want people go after this and have I made it clear?


  • Are the correct tags set?
  • Is it in the correct category?
  • Is the url/slug set?


  • Have notifications been pushed? If not, has a reminder been made to do so later?
  • Have I shared/scheduled posts on socials?
What reminders are on your list? If you think something important is missing from this list, let me know :D