Simple worldbuilding checklist (no art skills required)


Have you ever been reminded of an excellent writing tip and you're like "Damn, I keep forgetting to do that."? Yeah, same - so over the years I've made myself a list to just have a quick glance over when I'm worldbuilding to see if I can add a little something ✨extra✨ to my world and make it more connected!

I'm sharing them here with you in case you find it helpful, but don't feel like you need to do every-single-thing, every-single-time - just use it as a reminder! 🥰

I write my worldbuilding offline in Obsidian and present it online with World Anvil, so feel free to ignore any tips that aren't relevant to you 😄

🤔 Planning

Is there a prompt on WorldAnvil or in my #400Prompts that will suit this article?

  • What are 3 other articles in my world that can be connected to this?

  • Are there any articles with little to no connections that this can be linked to?

📝 Writing

What's the intended emotion for this article?

  • Does it reflect the recurring themes, genre, and mood of my world?

  • What senses does it cover? (Sight, sound, smell, touch, taste, etc)

  • Does it answer the prompt? If not, can I twist the prompt to suit my needs?

  • Have I made use of the 6 questions method? (Who, what, when, where, why, how?)

📚 Content

Does it have a cover image that conveys what the article is about?

  • Does it contain at least one image to help illustrate the concept?

  • If there's a location mentioned, is there a map so you can see where it is?

  • If there's an event mentioned, is there a timeline (or chronicle) you can explore?

  • Does the article icon add context to the topic? (This is more World Anvil specific.)

  • If they're not of solely my own creation, do I have the rights or licence to use the images in this article, and have I added proper credits to them?

🎯 Revising

Is the article title intriguing? Is it pronounceable?

  • Does the subheading and/or excerpt give context and a hook to what it's about?

  • Are the headings interesting and informative? Do they add to the theme of this setting?

  • Could someone skim read this and get a good understanding of what's going on?

  • Are there any spelling/grammar errors?

  • Have I used too much passive voice?

  • What's the incentive to interact / comment?

  • Where do I want people go after this and have I made it clear?

📰 Publishing

Are the correct tags set?

  • Is it in the correct category?

  • Is the url/slug set?

📢 Sharing

Have notifications been pushed? If not, has a reminder been made to do so later?

  • Have I shared/scheduled posts on socials?

What reminders are on your list? If you think something important is missing from this list, let me know :D

TJ Trewin

TJ Trewin is a trans pixel artist and award-winning worldbuilder. Having moved from Bristol to Buenos Aires, he has (mostly) overcome his fear of the outside world, but is still very much afraid of wasps, giant house spiders, and Whitney's Miltank.

He enjoys making silly noises while the kettle's on, and once thwarted a DDoS attack by ordering a pizza. TJ wonders why author bios are written in third person and can't help but read them with a Khajiit voice. This one thinks you do too now, yes?

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