How to answer any writing prompt (+ free worldbuilding list)


📝 The 6 Questions Method

This is my method for writing at least 300 words for any worldbuilding prompt which I've decided to call the 6 Questions Method. I do this every time I answer a writing prompt, and it's super easy to remember! I've found that this method can act as a great starting point to expand things further and get some ideas going.

Take the writing prompt and then write just 50 words for each question:

  1. Who?

  2. What?

  3. Where?

  4. Why?

  5. When?

  6. How?

That's it!

From there you can start editing and turn your ideas into a finished and shiny article (if you want to, of course)! 😀


"Describe a food in your world that looks very unappealing yet is incredibly popular." (Answer this prompt on World Anvil)

1. Who?

  • Who eats this kind of food?

  • Who makes/cooks it?

  • Who was the inventor or original creator of it?

  • Who typically enjoys this dish?

  • Who can't get over the look of it and won't even try it?

2. What?

  • What ingredients is it made from?

  • What does it taste like?

  • What does it smell like?

  • What does it look like that makes it so unappealing?

  • What does it remind people of?

3. Where?

  • Where does the dish originate from?

  • Where do people go to consume it?

  • Where has the best version of this food in town?

4. Why?

  • Why don't people like the look of it?

  • Why do people still make it this way even if it looks bad?

  • Why do some people love it and others don't?

5. When?

  • When is it typically made?

  • When do people consume it? Time of day? Year?

  • When does it actually go bad?

6. How?

  • How is it made?

  • How long does it take to make?

  • How long does it last for?

  • How is it stored?

  • How is it culturally significant?

  • How filling is it?

  • How popular or well known is it?

📚 Free worldbuilding prompts list

400 worldbuilding promtps Google Sheets templateby tjtrewin


  • 🌍 400 inspiring worldbuilding prompts suitable for any project

  • 📊 An interactive Google Sheet to keep track of your progress

  • 📄 Bonus printer friendly .pdf version

TJ Trewin

TJ Trewin is a trans pixel artist and award-winning worldbuilder. Having moved from Bristol to Buenos Aires, he has (mostly) overcome his fear of the outside world, but is still very much afraid of wasps, giant house spiders, and Whitney's Miltank.

He enjoys making silly noises while the kettle's on, and once thwarted a DDoS attack by ordering a pizza. TJ wonders why author bios are written in third person and can't help but read them with a Khajiit voice. This one thinks you do too now, yes?

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