🌎 Worldbuilding
🗃️ WASC23 Prompt Matching
Double up on your prompts! A list of related World Anvil prompts you can answer at the same time as the Summer Camp ones.
🌎 Worldbuilding
Double up on your prompts! A list of related World Anvil prompts you can answer at the same time as the Summer Camp ones.
🌎 Worldbuilding
How to tackle any tricky worldbuilding prompts! Un-boring them! Twist the meaning of them! Bend the rules! CONQUER THE PROMPTS!
🌎 Worldbuilding
TL;DR: use the 6 Questions Method to write 50 words for: who, what, where, why, when, and how to get 300+ words for any writing prompt!
🌎 Worldbuilding
Amidst the fun and chaos of WorldEmber 2022, World Anvil enabled a new redeemable-with-points interaction on their Twitch streams - a custom challenge from Dimitris, the founder of World Anvil. So many people rushed to redeem it on the first stream that by the time I wanted to get one
🌎 Worldbuilding
16 beast mode ideas for un-generic-ing your article for World Anvil's Bestiary February challenge!
🏷️ Marketing
An extensive guide on how to plan ahead, make your best worldbuilding, and win during World Anvil's Worldbuilding Awards this year.
📝 Productivity
A mahoosive list of upcoming worldbuilding events on World Anvil for every month of the year, and how to prepare for them!
🌎 Worldbuilding
In this post I share my step-by-step worldbuilding process for competitions, plus 26 worldbuilding prompts for rivers!
📰 Newsletter
This is the first post on my website and serves as a reminder (mostly to myself) to stop faffing around, and go make stuff!
🌎 Worldbuilding
A fanboy's accounting of the unforgettable interactive worldbuilding experience of the launch of Woodkid's S16 album.